GEOGRAPHY ALL CHAPTERS MAPS : (1) Coal is used on large scale in industries. Give reasons (2) Composition of population is often affected by migration. Give reasons (3) Deccan plateau is known as Silicon Plateau. Give reasons (4) Describe Electronic industries. (5) Describe the World Trade Organization. (6) Describe the different Trade Organization. (7) Domestic trade is more developed in densely population in densely populated region. Give reasons (8) Explain the Mumbai-Pune industrial belt in India. (9) Explain the classification of minerals. (10) Explain the factor affecting the location of industries. (11) Explain the important of minerals. (12) Explain the role of minerals in the economic development of a country. (13) Explain the role of ports in international trade. (14) Explain the world distribution of mineral oil. (15) Improvement in communication has brought major change in the International migration. Give reasons. (16) In which factors...